A new version of the Inserm website is now online. Designed and created by Inserm and the W* agency, the site has been rethought, not only in terms of graphics, but also from an ergonomic, technical, and editorial perspective. Objective: to consolidate the role of the Institute as an outlet for information on health and biomedical research, and to enhance the visibility of Inserm on the web.
New features include:
From the home page, web users can discover not only leading new items of the moment (discoveries, events, etc.), but also have access to information about the institute, or more specifically intended for research professionals.
A “general public” section which describes the different sectors of biomedical research in which Inserm operates, from fundamental research to value creation for new discoveries, from the laboratory to the patient’s bedside. This section also puts the spotlight on Inserm laboratories and researchers, through photo reports (issues of Science&Santé magazine) and “Meet our researchers” features.
“Health and Research From A-Z”, dossiers on multiple sclerosis, drug development, intestinal microbiota, and more, are the most frequently viewed pages on the site. A new layout has been designed to make them even more attractive. It notably offers a new reading level for the busiest web users! These pages will soon be embellished with scientific computer graphics very shortly.
Furthermore, Inserm is simplifying its communications strategy to achieve greater visibility in an ever-changing partnership-based context. This approach notably relies on optimizing its logo, which has now been “streamlined” by removing its original text components. At the same time, Inserm is adopting a signature which symbolizes the missions of the Institute and its values: “Health through science“, and its international vocation “From science to health“.
For more information: www.wcie.fr/leblog.wcie.fr
Agence W press contacts: Marion Weill – z.jrvyy@jpvr.se – +33 (0)7 70 44 71 59