- 2012
Press releases - 06.06.2012
(French) BCG et cancer de la vessie : vers un nouveau protocole pour les patients ?
(French) Des chercheurs de l’Institut Pasteur, de l’Inserm, de l’université Paris Descartes et de Mines ParisTech ont montré comment renforcer les effets du BCG qui constitue,
Press releases - 04.06.2012
Preserving sight through enhanced focus on the causes of glaucoma
An article to be published in Plos One describes how Inserm researchers have succeeded in preserving the visual function in rats suffering from glaucoma.
Press releases - 01.06.2012
Magnetic stimulation to improve visual perception
Using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), an international team led by researchers from the Centre de Recherche de l’Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Epinière (CNRS / Inserm / UPMC) has succeeded in enhancing the visual abilities
What's on? - 30.05.2012
Life expectancy of sewer workers
A thesis published in 2010 shows that sewer workers are exposed to genotoxins. Another study, published by INRS in 2006, showed that sewer workers die on average 7 years earlier than other workers. Thesis by Hamzeh ALZABADI Study published by INRS Photo:
Press releases - 11.05.2012
(French) La lecture : un vrai travail d’équipe dans le cerveau
(French) Combien de neurones devons-nous solliciter pour lire une phrase ? Cette tâche, simple en apparence, mobilise de nombreux neurones dans des parties du cerveau éloignées les unes des autres. Comment alors mettre en commun l’activité de ces différents neurones pour déchiffrer les mots, leur donner un sens et comprendre une phrase ?
Press releases - 09.05.2012
Liver cancer: The first high-speed sequencing results obtained in France
Since 2009, France has been running a major pilot clinical trial into liver cancer as part of the International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) project.
What's on? - 07.05.2012
19th European congress on obesity, lyon, 9 to 12 may 2012
After Istanbul last year, the 19th European Congress on Obesity (ECO2012) will be held this year in Lyon from 9 to 12 May. Sessions will be run on the following topics: Environment and Prevention Epidemiology and Intergenerational Aspects Integrated Biology Genes, Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms Clinical Practice and Multidisciplinary Management Childhood Obesity See the full […]
Press releases - 07.05.2012
(French) CK2 : un rôle important dans la progression des tumeurs mammaires
(French) Des chercheurs du CEA (1), de l’Inserm, du CNRS (2) et des universités Joseph-Fourier, d’Aix-Marseille et Claude Bernard Lyon 1, ont mis en évidence le rôle déterminant de la protéine CK2 dans la plasticité cellulaire épithéliale,
Press releases - 26.04.2012
Why do the different people’s bodies react differently to a high-fat diet?
A diet rich in greasy foods causes an imbalance in our gut flora. The composition of the gut flora seems to determine the way in which the body develops certain metabolic disorders such as diabetes,
What's on? - 25.04.2012
Vitamin D deficiency
According to a study published in the Bulletin Épidémiologique Hebdomadaire (BEH), eight out of ten people in France do not get enough sunlight. Read the BEH study of 24 April 2012 Photo: