- 2012
Press releases - 26.04.2012
Why do the different people’s bodies react differently to a high-fat diet?
A diet rich in greasy foods causes an imbalance in our gut flora. The composition of the gut flora seems to determine the way in which the body develops certain metabolic disorders such as diabetes,
What's on? - 25.04.2012
Vitamin D deficiency
According to a study published in the Bulletin Épidémiologique Hebdomadaire (BEH), eight out of ten people in France do not get enough sunlight. Read the BEH study of 24 April 2012 Photo:
Press releases - 18.04.2012
Life expectancy (LE) and Healthy Life Years (HLY) in the European Union, 2008-2010
The Healthy Life Years indicates how long people can expect to live without disability. It has been computed annually for each Member State of the European Union since 2005.
What's on? - 18.04.2012
Objective London: 100 days to go!
The London Olympic Games kick off on 27 July. With 50 days to go, Inserm’s press service is making contacts and resources downloadable to enable you to find out the latest on research in the fields of sport and health. You can also consult the pack to find out more… (only in french) Photo:
Press releases - 17.04.2012
A new hope in the fight against tuberculosis
This finding represents a major step forward in the scientific
Press releases - 16.04.2012
Aging of the brain: genetic modifications now identified
The hippocampus is a part of the brain that shrinks as we age, causing memory disorders. An acceleration of this phenomenon is one of the signs of Alzheimer’s disease.
Press releases - 11.04.2012
(French) Découverte d’une nouvelle règle d’organisation spatiale des chromosomes qui reflète leur fonctionnement
(French) Découverts en 1882 par Walther Flemming, les chromosomes, supports de l’information génétique, continuent à livrer leurs secrets 130 ans plus tard !
Press releases - 05.04.2012
Sport/physical exercise and health: what’s new?
The London Olympic Games kick off on July 27th. With around 100 days to go, Inserm wishes to invite you to look into the research that has been done in the fields of sport and health. Various research programs over the last few years have shown the benefits of physical exercise on our health, in […]
Press releases - 03.04.2012
A new gene thought to be at cause in early-onset forms of Alzheimer’s disease
A new gene that causes early-onset of Alzheimer’s disease has been discovered
Press releases - 02.04.2012
Asthma: a vaccination that works using intramuscular injection
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory and respiratory disease caused by an abnormal reactivity to allergens in the environment.