- 2021
Press releases - 10.12.2021
Does Falling Asleep Boost Creativity?
What if a few minutes of sleep could trigger creativity? This is what suggests a study by researchers from Inserm and Sorbonne Université at the Brain Institute and the department of sleep medicine at Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital AP-HP.
Press releases - 08.12.2021
COVID-19: New Avenues to Explain Why Children Are at Less Risk of Severe Forms
Why are children less susceptible than adults to critical forms of COVID-19? A number of interesting avenues are emerging, notably suggesting differences in immune response following SARS-CoV-2 infection. In a new study, researchers have shown that the interferon response, which is part of the innate immune response, differs according to the age of the patient.
Press releases - 08.12.2021
Covid-19 booster doses: start of inclusions in the COVIBOOST trial
The French health authorities recommend that all adults over 18 years of age perform a booster injection with a MRNA to ensure maximum and prolonged vaccine protection. The COVIBOOST trial is designed to study the immune response of the two candidates based recombinant protein vaccine associated with an adjuvant developed by Sanofi Pasteur and GSK and that of a 3 rd dose of the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine.
Press releases - 06.12.2021
Bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive : une mutation génétique confirmée comme facteur de prédisposition
Des chercheurs ont montré que la substitution d’un seul nucléotide dans le gène qui code pour le récepteur nicotinique de l’acétylcholine peut entrainer des modifications fonctionnelles des cellules des voies aériennes et conduire à des symptômes similaires à ceux de la BPCO, indépendamment du tabagisme.
Press releases - 02.12.2021
Inserm 2021 Prizes: Science More Mobilized Than Ever to Serve Health
In this year 2021, still marked by COVID-19, Inserm’s workers have remained mobilized to advance biomedical research and pursue their efforts across all areas of health research. To honor this collective endeavor, Inserm has awarded its 2021 Prizes to five people whose quality of work bears witness to the scientific excellence of the Institute’s research.
Press releases - 23.11.2021
Understanding Zebrafish Fin Regeneration Opens up Avenues in Regenerative Medicine
The zebrafish is particularly studied in research laboratories due to its ability to regenerate its caudal fin. This study opens up new avenues for improving our understanding of the regeneration processes, with the aim of developing clinical applications in the field of regenerative medicine.
Press releases - 22.11.2021
Creation of a Scientific Interest Group: A French Reference for All Questions Regarding the 3Rs
The use of animals for scientific purposes is based on the principles of the 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction and Refinement) to provide the best guidance to research and promote responsible and innovative methods. A group of research players comprising Inserm, CNRS, INRAE, Inria, CEA, Institut Pasteur de Paris, CPU, and the association Udice has announced the creation in France of FC3R (France Center 3R) to support the application of the rules resulting from these principles.
Press releases - 18.11.2021
The Impacts on Reproductive Function of Early Exposure to Endocrine Disruptors
Researchers from Inserm, Lille University Hospital and Université de Lille, at the Lille Neuroscience and Cognition laboratory, have discovered one of the mechanisms by which endocrine disruptors can alter reproductive function development from birth.
Press releases - 17.11.2021
Child Physical Abuse: Standardizing Guidelines to Optimize Diagnosis
Le diagnostic de maltraitance physique chez le nourrisson peut être difficile à établir. Pour guider les professionnels de santé, des recommandations définissant les pratiques à adopter lors d’une suspicion de maltraitance physique sont produites par des sociétés savantes, des autorités publiques ou par des groupes d’experts indépendants. Malgré ce cadre, les prises en charge observées sont différentes en fonction des praticiens, en France comme dans d’autres pays avec des économies développées. Pour tenter de comprendre cette variabilité, des chercheurs de l’Inserm ont analysé et comparé différentes recommandations cliniques publiées dans quinze pays.
Press releases - 17.11.2021
Lancement du Groupement d’intérêt scientifique Obépine sur les eaux usées
Le 19 octobre, les représentants de dix établissements, dont l’Inserm, membres du Groupement d’intérêt scientifique (GIS) de l’Observatoire épidémiologique dans les eaux usées (Obépine), se sont réunis pour la première fois.