- 2021
Press releases - 31.05.2021
Hippurate, a metabolite derived from gut bacteria, is associated with microbiotal diversity
Good gut microbiota function has an impact on our general physical and psychological health. Understanding how the architecture of the microbiota and the function of the bacteria that inhabit it affect the body has become a key research focus in recent years.
Press releases - 28.05.2021
L’Inserm vous donne rendez-vous tout au long du mois de juin pour la toute première édition de l’événement de culture scientifique « InScience »
L’Inserm vous donne rendez-vous tout au long du mois de juin pour la toute première édition de l’événement de culture scientifique « InScience » qui se déroulera en version numérique, pour s’adapter à la situation sanitaire.
Press releases - 25.05.2021
La thérapie optogénétique peut partiellement restaurer la vision chez un patient aveugle atteint de rétinopathie pigmentaire.
Une équipe de recherche internationale a mis en évidence que la thérapie optogénétique peut partiellement restaurer la vision chez un patient aveugle atteint de rétinopathie pigmentaire à un stade avancé. La thérapie optogénétique consiste à modifier génétiquement les cellules afin qu’elles produisent des protéines sensibles à la lumière dites « channelrhodopsines » (rhodopsine canal).
Press releases - 19.05.2021
Regional organization in Ile-de-France and ECMO results in the management of extremely serious respiratory damage caused by Covid-19
The teams of the cardiac and thoracic surgery departments and intensive medicine-intensive care of the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital AP-HP, Sorbonne University and the Inserm, reported the results of the ECMO in the care of patients with extremely serious respiratory damage caused by Covid-19, and the regional organization set up by the Ile-de- France to deal with the pandemic.
Press releases - 19.05.2021
Many scientific studies have shown the health impacts of air pollution.
Many scientific studies have shown the health impacts of air pollution.
Press releases - 17.05.2021
Arterial hypertension resistant to drug treatments: an international study demonstrates the blood pressure benefit of endovascular renal denervation by focused ultrasound
Teams from the Georges-Pompidou European Hospital AP-HP, the University of Paris, Inserm and the Presbyterian Hospital in New York carried out work to demonstrate the blood pressure benefit of endovascular renal denervation by focused ultrasound.
News in brief - 11.05.2021
An Asthma Vaccine Effective in Mice
Inserm teams led by Laurent Reber (Infinity, Toulouse) and Pierre Bruhns (Humoral Immunity, Institut Pasteur, Paris) and French company NEOVACS have developed a vaccine that could induce long-term protection against allergic asthma, reducing the severity of its symptoms and thus significantly improving patient quality of life. Their research in animals has been published in the […]
Press releases - 10.05.2021
Long COVID: 60% of Hospitalized Patients Still Have at Least One Symptom Six Months Later
In a new study, researchers show that a significant proportion of patients who were hospitalized and followed up as part of French COVID continue to have symptoms three and six months after infection.
Press releases - 05.05.2021
COVID-19: discovery of the mechanisms of short- and long-term anosmia
Loss of smell, or anosmia, is one of the earliest and most commonly reported symptoms of COVID-19.
Press releases - 05.05.2021
Cancers du foie de l’enfant : plasticité tumorale et résistance à la chimiothérapie
Grâce à une importante analyse génomique des cancers du foie de l’enfant, l’équipe du Professeure Jessica Zucman-Rossi au Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers (Université de Paris, Inserm, Sorbonne Université), et ses collaborateurs du réseau Hepatobio, ont identifié de nouveaux mécanismes de résistance à la chimiothérapie.