- 2020
Press releases - 16.09.2020
Research shows that treatment with growth hormone in children who have recovered from cancer does not increase the risk of a second tumor.
Les données d’une nouvelle étude confirment que le traitement par hormone de croissance suite à une radiothérapie chez les enfants qui présentent un déficit de cette hormone n’augmente pas le risque de survenue d’un second cancer.
Press releases - 02.09.2020
Prise en charge des formes sévères de Covid-19 : une méta-analyse incluant l’étude CAPE-COVID* plaide en faveur de la corticothérapie
Les résultats d’une méta-analyse montrent qu’un traitement par corticoïdes diminuerait de 21% le risque de mortalité des formes sévères de Covid-19.
Press releases - 14.08.2020
A Novel Genome Editing Tool for Rare Hereditary Diseases
Researchers from Inserm, Université d’Evry, Université Paris-Saclay and Genethon have developed a novel platform for modifying the genome of hematopoietic stem cells, which give rise to blood cells. The use of these tools could provide new therapeutic solutions for many patients with rare genetic diseases.
Press releases - 29.07.2020
Publication of Explore Covid-19 translationnal study findings
A Marseille-based exploratory research taskforce, named EXPLORE COVID-19, analyzed immune cells in COVID-19 patients at different stages of the disease. The goal of the study was to gain translational insights to better understand the immune response in COVID-19 patients and identify potential targets to fight the viral infection.
Press releases - 28.07.2020
The increased reproductive rate of the virus heralding a second wave, really?
While the virus is still circulating throughout the country, fears of a “second wave” are growing. In order to better understand the dynamics of the epidemic, several indicators are taken into account.
Press releases - 27.07.2020
COVID-19: Together, Remdesivir and Diltiazem Open up New Therapeutic Avenues
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, finding a treatment to effectively combat the disease remains a major research challenge. Researchers from Inserm, CNRS, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and ENS Lyon at the International Research Center for Infectious Diseases have developed a unique strategy for selecting, evaluating and repurposing existing drugs to assess their efficacy against SARS-CoV-2.
Press releases - 24.07.2020
Ebola Survivors Present Severe Immune System Abnormalities Two Years After Recovery
Four years after the end of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, and as it continues to wreak havoc in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the scientific community wonders about the after-effects that may remain among survivors. To learn more, researchers from Inserm and Université Paris-Est Créteil at the Institute for Vaccine Research decided to look at how their immune profiles had changed.
Press releases - 21.07.2020
A New Method for Unlocking the Mysteries of Life
Understanding the three-dimensional structure of DNA and RNA and how they interact with other molecules is necessary for the advancement of biomedical research and drug development. A team led by Inserm researcher Valérie Gabelica at the Nucleic acids: natural and artificial regulation laboratory (ARNA, Inserm/CNRS/Université de Bordeaux)[1] has developed an innovative method pairing mass spectrometry with circularly polarized light, enabling better characterization of these different molecular interactions.
Press releases - 20.07.2020
Inserm Launches a Platform Evaluating COVID-19 Vaccine Candidates for the Conduct of Large-Scale Quality Trials
Inserm, with the support of the REACTing network, Public Health France, the country’s university hospitals, and the French College of Teachers in General Practice, is launching COVIREIVAC. This platform for the clinical evaluation of COVID-19 vaccine candidates will make it possible to test them rigorously and obtain robust data on their safety and ability to induce an immune response (immunogenicity).
Press releases - 16.07.2020
Huntington’s Disease: Brain Abnormalities Detectable in Embryos
Huntington’s disease is a genetic neurological condition that usually manifests in adulthood. Teams of researchers and clinicians from Inserm, Université Grenoble Alpes, Sorbonne Université, CNRS and AP-HP at the Grenoble Institute of Neuroscience and the Brain Institute, have discovered abnormalities in the brains of human embryos that carry the mutation responsible for Huntington’s disease.