One of the major challenges of modern neuroscience is to define the complex pattern of neural connections that underlie cognition and behaviour. Brain connections have been investigated extensively in many animal species, including monkeys. Until recently, however, we have been unable to verify their existence in humans or identify possible tracts that are unique to human brain.
The Atlas of Human Brain Connections realized by Marco Catani and Michel Thiebaut de Schotten, researcher at Inserm, capitalizes on novel diffusion MRI tractography methods to provide a comprehensive overview of connections derived from virtual in vivo tractography dissections of the human brain.
It starts with an historical overview of the giant steps taken in neuroanatomy, from its birth more than 2000 years ago, to contemporary neuroimaging insights. Next, detailed descriptions of the major white matter connections, their function, and associated clinical syndromes are dealt with in detail. The composite maps of the atlas are an excellent anatomical resource for teaching, clinical, and research purposes. By reviewing both the basic principles of neuroanatomy, its historical roots, and its modern achievements in the field of DTI tractography, the book constitutes a valuable reference work for experienced clinicians and researchers working in the field of neurology, psychiatry, neurosurgery, and neuroradiology.
L’atlas offre un aperçu historique des grandes découvertes en neuroanatomie, depuis sa naissance il y a plus de 2000 ans, jusqu’aux récentes avancées scientifiques. Il décrit des connexions importantes de la substance blanche, leur fonction, et leurs syndromes cliniques associés. Les “cartes composites” de l’atlas sont une source d’information qui peut être utilisée pour l’enseignement anatomique, clinique et à des fins de recherche.
En examinant à la fois les principes de base de la neuroanatomie, ses racines historiques, et ses récentes découvertes dans le domaine de la tractographie des IRM DWI, ce livre est un ouvrage de référence pour les cliniciens expérimentés et les chercheurs travaillant dans le domaine de la neurologie, la psychiatrie, la neurochirurgie, la neuroradiologie et la neuropsychologie.
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