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Marion Mathieu Annick Guimezanes
Numéros de téléphones portables disponibles sur demande à
While tuberculosis (BCG) vaccination is no longer mandatory in France, five new cases of tuberculosis were recorded in Limoges this week. This disease, far from having disappeared, causes 5,000 new cases of illness each year, and is responsible for 700 deaths. These latest cases have restarted the debate about vaccination:
Should we get vaccinated? Should we have our children vaccinated? How does a vaccine work? Does vaccination really protect us?
Against this background, Inserm researchers Annick Guimezanes and Marion Mathieu have replied as objectively as possible to the questions everyone wonders about in the 3rd popular science book in the Choc Santé collection: “Vaccination: Agression or Protection?”
In a clear and accessible style, drawing on the most recent advances in the area, it will enable everyone to better weigh the risks and benefits of vaccination.
Marion Mathieu Annick Guimezanes
Numéros de téléphones portables disponibles sur demande à