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2014 World Multiple Sclerosis Day

27 May 2014 | By Inserm (Newsroom) | International day

World Multiple Sclerosis Day takes place on 28 May. This year, the theme of the day is equality of access for patients with this disease:1 access to treatment, public transport, buildings, information, employment, etc.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease that affects the central nervous system. This autoimmune disease affects approximately 1 person in 1,000, i.e. a total of approximately 70,0002 people in France. The immune system, normally involved in the fight against viruses and bacteria, attacks the patient’s own cells. Myelin, the protective sheath surrounding the nerves, becomes progressively damaged by chronic inflammation, which consequently alters information transfer within the body.

Different Inserm research teams at the Brain and Spinal Cord Institute (ICM, Inserm Unit 1127) work on many aspects of this disorder, especially its genetics and disease mechanisms, the molecular and cellular aspects of myelin repair, etc. One team also specialises in the clinical component (management, treatment, clinical research, and therapeutic aspects). See contact details for the researchers in the “Contacts” box. See more news about MS.

For more information on multiple sclerosis, read our information pack.

1 Source:  World MS Day website
2 Source: ICM website

Schéma fonctionnement sclérose en plaques

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Researcher Contact

Bertrand Fontaine
Responsable de l’équipe Inserm « Génétique et mécanismes des maladies de l’excitabilité membranaire et de la sclérose en plaques »
Tél. 01 57 27 44 10
Brahim Nait Oumesmar
Responsable de l’équipe Inserm  « Approches moléculaire et cellulaire de la réparation myélinique »
Tél. 01 57 27 41 24
Aspects de prise en charge, de traitement, de recherche clinique et perspectives thérapeutiques
Catherine Lubetzki et Bruno Stankoff
Responsables de l’équipe Inserm « Mécanismes de myélinisation et remyélinisation dans le système nerveux central »
Tél : 01 57 27 44 65

Press Contact

Juliette Hardy
