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20) Eating fast food could increase the risks of eczema and asthma

18 Jan 2013 | By Inserm (Newsroom) |


A study led by Pr. Innes Asher from theUniversityofAucklandin theUnited Stateshas just demonstrated that the food served in fast-food restaurants could be implicated in respiratory diseases and in severe chronic allergies such as allergic rhinitis, eczema or severe asthma. This study, that was published in the review Thorax, involved around 319,000 adolescents aged between 11 and 14 and 180,000 children aged between 6 and 7. When compared with the results of a major international study on allergies and asthma (the ISAAC study) from 1991, the study reveals that eating more than three fast food meals per week is likely to increase the risks of severe asthma by 39% and severe allergies by 27% in children aged 6 to 7. However, the researchers wish to point out that there is no direct cause and effect relationship, just a statistical link that we should look into more deeply. Bénédicte Leynaert, an Inserm researcher, can provide you more scientific details on these studies.

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Bénédicte LEYNAERT

U 700 Physiopathologie et épidémiologie de l’insuffisance respiratoire
