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A “Functional” Human Liver created from iPS cells

05 Jul 2013 | By Inserm (Newsroom) | International


Japanese researchers have succeeded in creating a “functional” human liver from induced pluripotent stem cells. These adult iPS cells can be reprogrammed to rejuvenate the cell and rediscover the properties of embryonic stem cells (thus enabling them to return to a renewed immaturity and the ability to differentiate themselves into any cell type).

According to AFP, “the researchers used liver “buds” created in the laboratory which they implanted in a mouse in which these cells turned into an organ containing blood vessels and possessing the properties of a human liver”.

Professor Takanori Takebe, the principal author of the study, was optimistic for the future, even though it is too early to know whether this technique can be applied to humans: “In some way, we showed the validity of our approach,” he stresses.

To receive comments on this major medical advance, you can contact Anne Dubart Kupperschmitt, Inserm Research Director of the “Stem cells and liver” Unit.

To consult the latest advances in liver research produced by Inserm researchers, please consult :

Liver disease: understanding it will enable the provision of better treatment – April 17th, 2013

Intestinal bacteria an aggravating factor in obesity-related illnesses –November 29th, 2012

Researcher Contact

Anne Dubart Kupperschmitt

Directrice de recherche
Inserm U972 “Cellules souches et foie”
01 45 59 51 38
