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Are energy drinks a danger to health?

04 Oct 2013 | By Inserm (Newsroom) |

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Energy drinks are intended to replenish energy. In France, over 40 million litres of energy drinks are consumed each year. They are fortified with many organic stimulants such as caffeine, taurine, vitamins, etc. According to a report made public on Tuesday 2 October by the French National Agency of Health and Safety (Anses), these drinks could be a health hazard. Epileptic fits, trembling, vertigo, and anxiety have been attributed to the drinks, which would also seem to cause heart failure in certain situations. Click to read the Anses report For further information on the effects of energy drinks on the body, please contact Dr Hazrije MUSTAFIC, Inserm epidemiologist at the Centre for Expertise on Sudden Death. Photo:

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