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Atmospheric pollution : what are the impacts on health?

17 Mar 2014 | By Inserm (Newsroom) | France

For the last few days, several French cities have had to face episodes of air pollution by particulates, frequently exceeding alert threshold levels.

Further information

– On the Impact of air pollution on our health:
Press release,Large European study finds exposure to even low levels of air pollution during pregnancy increases risk of lower birthweight babies”

– On different types of pollution and their impacts on our health:
Review in Science & Santé magazine, “Notre environnement: une menace pour notre santé?” (“Our environment, a threat to our health?”)

These contents could be interesting :

Researcher Contact

Isabella Annesi-Maesano
Directrice de Recherche Inserm
Responsable de l’équipe “Epidémiologie des maladies allergiques et respiratoires”
Unité Inserm 1136 “Epidémiologie, systèmes d’information, modélisation”
01 44 73 84 49

Remy Slama
Directeur de recherche Inserm
Responsable de l’équipe “Epidémiologie environnementale appliquée à la reproduction et à la santé respiratoire”
Unité Inserm 823 “Institut Albert Bonniot”
06 29 64 58 95

Antoine Magnan
Responsable de l’équipe “Immunopathologie des maladies respiratoires”
Unité Inserm 1087 “Institut du Torax”

02 28 08 01 26

Michel Aubier
Co-directeur de l’unité Inserm 1152 “Physiopathologie et épidémiologie des maladies respiratoires”

01 40 25 68 00
