What's on?

Flu, gastroenteritis, chicken pox, the Sentinelles network is on the lookout

10 Feb 2014 | By Inserm (Newsroom) | France

The Sentinelles network is a research and vigilance platform in general medicine at the Unité Mixte de Recherche en Santé 707 (Mixed Health Research Unit 707) (UMR S 707, Inserm-UPMC). At present it is composed of 1288 general practitioners, and 333 of them help in the continual surveillance of epidemics.

Please see the Sentiweb site.

These contents could be interesting :

Researcher Contact

Réseau Sentinelles national :

Réseau Sentinelles
UMR S 707 Inserm UMPC

Secrétariat :
Tel : 01 44 73 84 35
Fax : 01 44 73 84 54

Courrier électronique :
