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French heart day will take place on 14 february

11 Feb 2014 | By Inserm (Newsroom) | France

In France, the Journée du Cœur (Heart Day) will take place on 14 February.

Cardiovascular disease caused 33% of all deaths in 2011, and is still the main cause of death in the 33 OECD countries. One person in three is affected.

With 180,000 deaths a year, cardiovascular diseases are the leading long-term illness, affecting 2.8 million people.Cardiovascular diseases are the second cause of mortality in France.
By 2030, almost 23.3 million people worldwide will die of a cardiovascular disease (mainly heart conditions or strokes).

Strasburg, Paris and Bordeaux are preparing to host the national Journée du Cœur (Heart Day) and the whole Heart Community will be involved. The aim of Heart Day is to show the large number of local projects, and all the healthcare professionals, patient support groups, politicians, etc. engaged in combating cardiovascular disease. The social media will be able to access the panel sessions in each city. The aim is to gather together information, feedback and proposals that will help in creating a White Paper. This will be important for drawing up a national Heart Plan.

Download the program of the day

Other press releases on cardiovascular diseases:

“A new treatment for heart attack will soon be available for emergency teams and the emergency ambulance service (SAMU)”
Philippe-Gabriel Steg
Inserm Unit 698 “Hémostase, bio-ingénierie, immunopathologie et remodelage cardiovasculaires”
Cardiologie, Département Hospitalo-Universitaire FIRE, Hôpital Bichat, France,
+33 1 40 25 86 69

“FIBRO-TARGETS – Europe banks on cardiac fibrosis as a therapeutic target in heart failure”
Faiez Zannad
Coordinator of the project FIBRO-TARGETS
Inserm U1116, Centre d’Investigation Clinique P. Drouin Inserm 9501, CHU de Nancy, et de l’Université de Lorraine,
03 83 65 66 25

“Rich or poor in intestinal bacteria : we are not all equal when it comes to obesity-related conditions”
Karine Clément
Coordinator of the European project METACARDIS
Inserm Unit 1166 : Research Institute of cardiovascular, metabolism and nutrition diseases (Ican)
UPMC Nutriomique U872
Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris – Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière

“Food contaminants worsen metabolic problems in obese mice”
Brigitte Le Magueresse Battistoni
Director of research Inserm
Cardio-metabolism, diabetes and nutrition research laboratory (Carmen)
Inserm U1060/Inra 1235/Université Lyon1
04 26 23 59 19

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