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Romain Gherardi
U 955 “Institut Mondor de recherche biomédicale (IRMB)”
Equipe: Interactions cellulaires dans le système neuromusculaire
©Depardieu, Michel
The aluminium salts used in the makeup of vaccines could have adverse effects on health. The metal could build up in the central nervous system and cause a rare disease known as macrophagic myofasciitis that can cause intense muscular pain, cognitive disorders and intense fatigue, among other symptoms.
Romain Gherardi, Inserm researcher at the Inserm unit 955 “Mondor Biomedical Research Institute (IRMB), has been working on this subject for several years.
Find the latest publications by this Inserm team :
Long-term follow-up of cognitive dysfunction in patients with aluminum hydroxide-induced macrophagic myofasciitis – Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry
Long-term persistence of vaccine-derived aluminum hydroxide is associated with chronic cognitive dysfunction – Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry
Romain Gherardi
U 955 “Institut Mondor de recherche biomédicale (IRMB)”
Equipe: Interactions cellulaires dans le système neuromusculaire