Researcher Contact
Rémy Slama
Directeur de recherche Inserm
Unité Inserm 823 “Institut Albert Bonniot” (Grenoble)
+33 (0)4 76 54 94 02
On 15 June 1972, the United Nations celebrated World Environment Day for the first time. Since that day, every year on the same date, the major issues in environmental conservation are given prominence in over 100 countries, a day devoted to the protection of the planet and the future of mankind, which is inseparable from the fate of the ecosystem.
At Inserm, active research is being devoted to understanding the impact of the environment on health, especially changes due to environmental contaminants such as pesticides, atmospheric pollution, radiation, etc.
In 2011 and 2013, the researchers at Inserm endeavoured to understand the influence of pollution on general health and of environmental factors on reproduction, respectively, in two joint expert reports[1].
Today, many studies are devoted to this theme. The European project HELIX, which brings together experts from every background, is especially focused on exposome-related risk factors for children, i.e., the sum of environmental exposures from the antenatal period on. Pregnancy and the early years of life are well recognised as periods of high sensitivity to these factors, with lifelong consequences.As part of HELIX, Inserm Research Director Rémy Slama directs a working group that is attempting to determine the relationship between the exposome and child health. By establishing a database that includes all environmental pollutants, behaviours, diet and health outcomes, the researchers hope to establish the risk factors that lead to the development of diseases in children.
©Inserm/Delapierre, Patrick. All the photos of the SEPAGES cohort cohorte are available on the Inserm image bank Serimedis
Air quality in nursing homes affecting lung health of residents – March 2015
Exposure of pregnant women to certain phenols may disrupt the growth of boys during foetal development and the first years of life – September 2014
[1] See the joint expert reports “Reproduction et Environnement” (Reproduction and Environment) and “Pesticides: Effets sur la Santé” (Pesticides: Effects on Health) on the website.
Rémy Slama
Directeur de recherche Inserm
Unité Inserm 823 “Institut Albert Bonniot” (Grenoble)
+33 (0)4 76 54 94 02