Inserm/ Delapierre, Patrick
Recognized as a rheumatic disease by the WHO in 1992, fibromyalgia is characterized by chronic widespread and persistent pain occurring in multiple areas of the body. This affects functional capacity, which varies over time and from individual to individual.
According to the French National Authority for Health (HAS), between 1.4% and 2.2% of the country’s population are considered to be affected, with 80% of those diagnosed being women.
In addition, sufferers very frequently experience chronic fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, attention and sleep disorders, as well as mood disturbances.
These symptoms that are associated with the chronic pain encountered in fibromyalgia can negatively impact daily living activities. Sufferers may find it difficult to hold down a job, for example, or their family or social lives may be affected, which can in turn lead to depression.
In addition to being difficult to diagnose, many attempts have been made to treat fibromyalgia, involving medication and other types of therapy.
Committed to improving the diagnosis of fibromyalgia and the management of the associated chronic pain, the researchers at Inserm are available to answer your questions.
Read the article (in French) “Fibromyalgie, l’invisible douleur “, published in the latest issue of Science&Santé.
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