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International congress “Taking action around childbirth together”

01 Oct 2012 | By Inserm (Newsroom) | France | International

3rd – 5th October: Internal congress “Taking action around childbirth together; Mental health prevention and support to parenthood”, in Paris.

Pregnancy and postpartum are times of upheaval, not only for women and men who will become parents but also for the fetus and the immature baby who cannot survive alone.

This congress will consider how parents, who experience psychological suffering during this sensitive period, are recognized, supported, cared for and followed from pregnancy to postpartum.


©Geneviève Bayle – Maternité 2007 

Researcher Contact

Nine Glangeaud
Présidente du congrès biennal de la Société Marcé internationale
Présidente de la Société Marcé internationale

Inserm, UMRS 953 « Recherche épidémiologique en santé périnatale et santé des femmes et des enfants »
01 42 34 55 75
