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Les troubles de la fertilité- Etat des connaissances et pistes pour la recherche

07 Jan 2013 | By Inserm (Newsroom) | Europe


Infertility affects more and more couples. The data on infertility inFranceis only partial or uncertain. So we must create a fertility monitoring system, based principally on repeated, specific surveys and we must systematically include suitable questions on demographic or epidemiologic surveys used to study reproduction or contraception.

It is estimated that around 15% to 20% of couples have still not succeeded in conceiving after one year. However, that does not mean that these couples are infertile. Data suggests that, if we take the lowest hypothesis, we could estimate that 3% of couples are totally sterile, whereas if we take the highest hypothesis, we could estimate that 15% of couples are sterile.

A report on what we currently know about fertility problems was drafted by a group of experts led by Mr. Alfred Spira and presented to the National Assembly in February.

This working group considered that it was necessary to establish what we know about human fertility problems, and also to find ways of preventing and treating these problems.

These contents could be interesting :

Researcher Contact

Alfred SPIRA

U1018 Centre de recherche en épidémiologie et santé des populations 
