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Monday 29 October: World Cardiovascular Disease Day

29 Oct 2012 | By Inserm (Newsroom) | France

©Inserm – F.Koulikoff

Cardiovascular disease is one of the main causes of death inFrance. 150,000 new cases are detected every year. That’s one every four minutes. Contrary to popular belief, cardiovascular diseases do not only affect the elderly: each year 10,000 to 15,000 persons under the age of 45 are victims of cardiovascular diseases.

See clip showing an ischaemic stroke

The World Cardiovascular Disease Day that will take place on 29 October is an opportunity to make the public aware of how to react when the first symptoms occur: partial paralysis, slurred speech, etc.

For more details, you can contact: Denis VIVIEN, (Inserm unit 919: Serine proteases and physiopathology in the neurovascular unit) and François CHOLLET (Inserm unit 825: Brain imaging and neurobiological handicaps).

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Researcher Contact

Denis Vivien Unité Inserm 919 Sérine protéases et physiopathologie de l’unité neurovasculaire (0)2 31 47 01 66 rf.norecyc@neiviv 
François CHOLLET Unité Inserm 825 Imagerie cérébrale et handicaps neurobiologiques

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