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Multi-drug resistant TB

25 Jan 2013 | By Inserm (Newsroom) | France

© Nadine Caillat-Vigneron, Inserm

At a time when the increase in the number of cases of drug-resistant tuberculosis in France is becoming “preoccupying on a public health scale” according to the French General Health Administration (DGS), Inserm is publishing the results of its latest research into tuberculosis.

Tuberculosis: the discovery of a molecule in the immune system that is vital in fighting mycobacteria

New hope in the fight against tuberculosis: an attenuated strain of mycobacterium tuberculosis  has been found to offer better protection than the BCG in mice

Retracing the history of the development and the emergence of tuberculosis

To find out more about multi-drug resistant bacteria:

Development of two tests for rapid diagnosis of resistance to antibiotics

These contents could be interesting :

Researcher Contact

Philip Supply
Unité Inserm 1019 Centre d’infection et immunité de Lille 
