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National Day of Screening for Skin Cancer

22 May 2014 | By Inserm (Newsroom) | France

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The 16th edition of the National Day of Screening for Skin Cancer will be held on Thursday, 22 May. It is organised by the French National Union of Dermatologists, with the support of the French National Cancer Institute (INCa). This day is an opportunity to recall the importance of prevention and monitoring in dermatology. The earlier cancer is detected, the lower the risks of spread, especially for melanoma.

Melanoma is a malignant tumour that develops in cells known as melanocytes, which are responsible for skin pigmentation. In 2012, there were an estimated 11,000 new cases of melanoma, and 1,672 deaths were recorded(1). Exposure to ultraviolet rays is the main cause of this cancer. However, there are recommendations for preventing it: avoid sun exposure between 12:00 noon and 4:00 pm, protect yourself by covering up and by using protective sun cream, and do not use tanning booths. See all our press news on melanoma
(1) Source: INCa

Caroline Robert
Leader of the “Melamona” group at Inserm Unit 981, “Identification of Molecular Predictors
and New Targets for Cancer Treatment;” Head of Dermatology Service at Gustave Roussy Institute
+33 1 42 11 42 10

Study of inflammatory skin diseases

At Inserm, the Immunodermatology team, as part of the Inserm Unit “Biotherapies of Genetic Diseases and Cancers” in Bordeaux, with support from the ATIP-AVENIR programme, aims to better understand the physiopathology of certain skin diseases such as inflammatory dermatoses like vitiligo, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis or systemic lupus erythematosus, by carrying out clinical or fundamental research based on these new concepts of cutaneous immunosurveillance.

Dermatologist and Head of the Inserm Immunodermatology team (ATIP-AVENIR), Inserm Unit 1035, “Biotherapies of Genetic diseases and Cancers”
+33 5 57 57 13 74

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Researcher Contact

Mélanomes Caroline Robert Responsable du groupe “Mélanomes” au sein de l’Unité Inserm 981 “Biomarqueurs prédictifs et nouvelles stratégies moléculaires en thérapeutique anticancéreuse”
chef de service de dermatologie à l’Institut Gustave Roussy
+33 1 42 11 42 10 

Maladies inflammatoires de la peau

Dermatologue et Responsable de l’équipe Inserm d’Immuno-dermatologie (ATIP-AVENIR)
Unité Inserm 1035 “Biothérapies des maladies génétiques et cancers”
+33 5 57 57 13 74

Press Contact

Juliette Hardy
