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Initiated by the International Diabetes Federation and the World Health Organization, World Diabetes Day, which takes place next Saturday, 14 November, is aimed at sensitising and informing the general public about diabetes prevention and management.
Diabetes, type 1 or type 2, is a chronic disease characterised by insufficient production of insulin, or by poor use of this hormone by the body. This is manifested in a high concentration of sugar in the bloodstream (hyperglycaemia), which in time can damage the nerves, blood vessels, heart, eyes and kidneys.
Inserm researchers are involved in combating this disease on a year-round basis. Here is our latest news on the theme:
Research by Maud Le Gall at Inserm Unit 1149, “Center for Research on Inflammation,” and by her collaborators focuses on the effects of surgery on intestinal metabolism. Their recent work has shown that the reconfigured intestine following bariatric surgery might be the cause of improved control of glycaemia and type 2 diabetes.
See the press release, “Obesity: surgery corrects diabetes even before weight loss occurs,” in the press room section.
Work by Julien Diana, Inserm Unit 1151, “Necker Institute for Sick Children,” has demonstrated protection conferred by the microbiota in the development of type 1 diabetes in mice.
“Injection of cathelicidins inhibits the establishment of inflammation in the pancreas, and thereby suppresses the development of autoimmune diabetes in mice,” says Julien Diana.
Preliminary data, as well as the scientific literature, suggest that a similar mechanism might exist in humans, leading the way for new therapies for autoimmune diabetes.
See the press release, “Bacteria that Prevents Type 1 Diabetes,” in the press room section.
Researchers at Inserm Unit 897, “Inserm Epidemiology and Biostatistics Research Center” (Inserm/University of Bordeaux) and CIC-1401 Clinical Investigation Centre, in collaboration with Bordeaux University Hospital, have shown for the first time the impact of diabetes and pre-diabetic status on neurocognitive performance in people living with HIV, regardless of age.
See the press release, “Diabetes is associated with neurocognitive disorders in people living with HIV,” in the press room section.
[1] Global status report on noncommunicable diseases 2014. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2012.
[2] World Health Organization. Global Health Estimates: Deaths by Cause, Age, Sex and Country, 2000-2012. Geneva, WHO, 2014.