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Pregnancy and the risk of pre-eclampsia

07 Nov 2012 | By Inserm (Newsroom) | Event

The International Biology Congress took place on 7, 8 and 9 November inParis.

The French clinical biology association in charge of organising the congress covered the theme of pregnancy and perinatal care.

Daniel Vaiman, a research director at Inserm, presented the advantages of research into a serious complication that can occur during pregnancy: pre-eclampsia.

See details of the 3-day programme

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Researcher Contact

Daniel VAIMAN – Directeur de Recherche Inserm, UMR8104 CNRS, Hôpital Cochin – sur les techniques de génomique haut‐débit sur le diagnostic prénatal des maladies génétiques (dépistage des maladies avant la naissance, voire avant la conception) Tel : 01 44 41 23 01
