For the last few days France has been experiencing high temperature peaks, reaching 40 degrees in certain regions.
Even if from a meteorological point of view this is not classified as a heat wave, vigilance messages are multiplying and these are aimed at sections of the population that are most at risk, inviting them to exercise caution.
People are advised to drink plenty of water, to avoid intense effort and to stay indoors in the coolest rooms in order to avoid discomfort, dehydration, etc.
For more information about the risks connected with high heat and especially dehydration, please contact Monique Ferry, researcher at INSERM Unit U557 Nutritional Epidemiology.
For the mortality figures linked to the 2003 heat wave:
CépiDc (Centre d’épidémiologie sur les causes médicales de décès)
Grégoire Rey
01 45 59 18 63[/complement]