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The magazine Science & Santé celebrates its second anniversary by looking into epigenetics

22 Nov 2012 | By Inserm (Newsroom) | Event

Science & Santé is the education and science news magazine issued by Inserm, with 25,000 copies published every two months. It keeps you up to date on discoveries, debates and questions concerning biomedical research. It celebrates its second anniversary with a “General Issues” article on epigenetics that will be published in the November/December issue (No. 11) of the magazine

Researcher Contact

Saadi Khochbin
Directeur du département “Différenciation et transformation cellulaire” à l’Institut Albert-Bonniot, Grenoble – Unité Inserm 823 / Université Joseph-Fourier, Centre de recherche Institut Albert-Bonniot
04 76 54 95 82

Déborah Bourc’his
Directrice de recherche Inserm, chef de l’équipe “Décisions épigénétiques et reproduction chez les mammifères” à l’Institut Curie, Paris – Unité Inserm 934 / CNRS UMR 3215 / Université Pierre et Marie Curie
01 56 24 68 25

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