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Vaccines: Good News for Our Children!

22 Dec 2017 | By Inserm (Newsroom) | France

Reluctance, or indeed mistrust, towards immunization, is an understandable sentiment, particularly among young parents when their babies are about to be immunized. While this principle may currently seem less vital, or even optional, to parents who no longer face the same tragedies arising from infection as in the past, it nonetheless remains an essential public health measure.

Mandatory immunization came into force on January 1, 2018, and has thus given rise to concerns and debate in public opinion. Numerous scientific falsehoods are doing the rounds, underlining the so-called hazards of vaccines, and debating the relevance of immunization. On December 18, Inserm published a Clarification which aims to provide the scientific perspective on the 11 vaccines which will be mandatory for all infants in France in 2018.

In the face of these rumors, Alain Fischer, pediatrician, immunology researcher, coordinator of Concertation Citoyenne sur la vaccination, and Philippe Sansonetti, specialist in infectious diseases, microbiology researcher, author of “Vaccins”, both professors at the Collège de France, have joined forces to offer an in-depth review of every aspect of immunization.

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