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What life expectancy in good health?

11 Jul 2017 | By Inserm (Newsroom) |

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Life expectancy has been on the increase for several decades in Western countries. But what about life expectancy in good health?

It is clear that the increase in life expectancy is a new source of inequality between men and women in terms of disability.

The work of Jean-Marie Robine (Inserm unit 1198 “Molecular mechanisms in neurodegenerative dementias”) and Claudine Berr (Inserm unit 1061 “Neuropsychiatry: epidemiological and clinical research” in Montpellier) shows that from 2004 to 2015, disability-free life expectancy (DFLE) had increased by 1.1 years for men, going from 61.5 years in 2004 to 62.6 years in 2015. For women, DFLE had virtually stagnated over this period, going from 64.2 years in 2004 to 64.4 in 2015.

These are the findings of a study published in the latest Weekly Epidemiological Bulletin (BEH) published on July 11, which draw on the work of Inserm researchers on aging.

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Jean-Marie Robine
Unité Inserm 1198 « Mécanismes moléculaires dans les démences  neurodégénératives»
04 67 14 33 85

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