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Yes, the time change has physiological effects

28 Oct 2016 | By Inserm (Newsroom) | Event | France

The Black Sun©Fotolia

On the night of Saturday 29 October to Sunday 30 October 2016, at 3 am it will be 2 am. This time change is not without effects on human physiology and health. When, in April 1784, Benjamin Franklin wrote in the Journal de Paris that getting up an hour earlier in winter would reduce the consumption of candles and reduce pollution, he was right. When he claimed that the new schedule would be difficult to endure for only two or three days because “Only the first step costs,” he was wrong.

The scientific literature shows that the time change can lead to sleep and alertness problems, road accidents, depression, suicide, and myocardial infarction.

The transition is more disruptive in winter for those who go to bed early. For Claude Gronfier, Inserm Researcher, “Among other things, the time change causes problems with sleep and attention. Children and older people are particularly affected, and take around a week to adapt to the new schedules.”

To find out all about the change in time, its history, its impact on health and how that works, contact Claude Gronfier.

Researcher Contact

Claude Gronfier
Directeur de recherche Inserm
Unité Inserm 1208 Institut cellule souche et cerveau
Équipe Chronobiologie et troubles affectifs
Tel : 04 72 91 34 89

Joëlle Adrien
Directrice de recherche Inserm émérite
Tel: 06 72 73 11 74


