Press releases

Choc Santé (Health Shock): Inserm is releasing a collection of books for the general public.

10 Feb 2015 | By Inserm (Newsroom) | Institutional and special event | Public health

In partnership with Muscadier publishing house, Inserm (French National Health and Medical Research Institute) is creating a series of books to inform the public about health matters. These books shall provide an overview of the Institutes’s latest research results in 128 pages. They are intended for both patients and their families who act as caregivers.

The Collection

Everybody wants to be healthy. Diet, physical activity and general lifestyle have become important concerns for most of us. In terms of treatment and prevention, scientific advances in recent decades have opened up unprecedented opportunities. However, we do not always know where to find the most relevant information. As such, we often hear or read everything and anything regarding this specific area.

Who should we believe? How do we find out?

The Choc Santé collection aims give a much wider audience access to knowledge gathered by Inserm, who has carried out public research in the health sector for over 50 years. As well as the latest medical advances, the reader will find practical advice that will enable them to improve their health and the health of those close to them.

The first two Choc titles: Alzheimer’s Disease and Depression

Medical research is making great strides and substantial progress in many fields, which often gives cause for hope. An overview of the latest information concerning Alzheimer’s disease and depression, both works will allow everyone to better understand the disease and improve the lives of patients and relatives.PhotoCP web

Alzheimer : fatalité ou espoir ? (Alzheimer’s Disease: Inevitable or Hopeful?)

The Book

Almost everyone knows somebody who has been affected by Alzheimer’s disease. Yet, most of us know little about this condition, which often has a dramatic impact on both the patient and those around them. What are the causes? What are the symptoms? How to detect and monitor it? When is diagnosis possible and desirable? What treatments are available? How does it progress? Is it inevitable or can we influence its onset and progression in some way?


Francis Eustache is the Director of Studies at the École pratique des hautes études (EPHE) and Director of Inserm Research Unit 1077, “Cognitive Neuropsychology and Functional Neuroanatomy of Human Memory” (Inserm-EPHE-University of Caen Lower Normandy) He is one of the foremost international specialists on memory-related issues. Gaëlle Chételat, Béatrice Desgranges and Vincent de La Sayette are also members of Research Unit 1077.

Dépression : s’enfermer ou s’en sortir ? (Depression: Shackled or Surmountable?)

The Book

“To have depression”, “to be depressed”, etc., everyone has used these terms to describe a malaise or a passing mood. However, depression is a real illness that affects millions of people in France. This condition raises many questions as it affects different people in different ways. What are the symptoms? What are the causes? Can it be treated? Are current treatments effective? Are they dangerous? What support can we give to a person with depression?


Antoine Pelissolo is a psychiatrist and Department Head at CHU Henri Mondor Créteil, Professor of Medicine at Paris-East University, and President of the French Association of Anxiety Disorders and Depression (AFTAD). He conducts clinical and therapeutic research on these diseases in the Inserm unit at the Mondor Institute of Biomedical Research and in the FondaMental foundation.

Press Contact
Priscille Rivière + 33(0)1 44 23 60 97
Collection : Choc santé Éditeur : Le Muscadier (en partenariat avec l'Inserm) Nombre de pages : 128 Prix TTC : 9,90 euros Date de parution : 5 février 2015 ISBN : 979-10-90685-30-7 (Alzheimer) – 979-10-90685-43-7 (Dépression)