Press releases

Cycle « Santé en questions » citizen conferences: the next meetings

21 Mar 2016 | By Inserm (Newsroom) | Institutional and special event

Since 2012, to promote dialogue between science and society, Inserm and Universcience has offered « Santé en questions », an annual cycle of citizen conferences. The aim is to provide information about advances in life sciences and healthcare research, but also to allow the public to tell their story and talk to the speakers. These conferences are chaired by a journalist and held by link up between the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie in Paris and a regional partner site. The filmed conferences are available on the Internet and summarised in a booklet sent to politicians and distributed with the latest edition of the French magazine La Recherche.

On Twitter: follow LT via #ConfSanT and ask your questions at @InsermLive @indesciences @ConfCitePalais

On Facebook, find all the details on the pages for Conf Palais de la découverte and Cité des sciences

« Allergies: Spring is here again! »
Thursday 14 April 2016, from 7pm to 8.30pm
A link-up between the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie in Paris
And the Bachut Mediacentre in Lyon

Respiratory allergies affected more than 20% of the French population in 2015 and are ranked in fourth place among world diseases. Exposure to allergens has been intensifying over the last ten years, particularly with the effects of climate change. How do allergenic substances act? How to protect yourself against them? What can you do in your house?


At the Paris site:
Jocelyne Just, head of the paediatric allergies department at Trousseau Hospital, AP-HP, whose research work particularly covers events in early life and the development of allergic and respiratory diseases. Her team is also interested in the impact of atmospheric pollution on allergic and respiratory diseases.

Jean-François Nicolas, dermatologist, director of the Inserm team ‘Immunology of skin allergy and vaccination’ at the Lyon International Infectiology Research Centre. Its research has demonstrated that inflammatory skin diseases are the consequence of the failure of immune tolerance towards allergens.
Contact: /+33 (0)4 37 28 23 48

Sophie Rigard, policy officer to Bernard Jomier, Deputy Mayor of Paris responsible for healthcare, disability and relations with the Paris public hospitals (AP-HP).

At the Lyon site:
Guillaume Faburel, lecturer in urban studies at Lyon 2 University / UMR Triangle, LabEx ‘Intelligence of urban worlds’, whose work relates to sustainable towns, participative projects, environmental injustices and new urban social support structures.

The next three conferences

« Sport: what limits for the body? » – Thursday 22 September 2016, from 7pm to 8.30pm
A link-up between the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie in Paris and the Lyon Musée des Confluences
Sport is good for health. But top-level sportsmen and women often perform to the limits of their bodies. How can research help them? Definition of rules for progression, studies on motor function and balance, understanding brain processes in sports performance: nothing is ignored, for them and for all of us.

« Vaccines: why do they cause fear? » – Thursday 13 October 2016, from 7pm to 8.30pm
A link-up between the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie in Paris and the Montbéliard Pavillon des Sciences
More and more French people opposed to vaccines, undoubtedly due to a lack of information and misunderstanding of side effects. What actually are they? What is the mode of action of these unusual medicines? What is the collective challenge of vaccination? What is the future for vaccines?

« Predicting brain diseases: what precautions? » – Thursday 3 November, from 7pm to 8.30pm
A link-up between the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie in Paris and the Marseille Bibliothèque de l’Alcazar
The goal of predictive medicine is to treat illnesses before they appear. Thus, strokes, anorexia and neurodegenerative diseases are the focus of research into a genetic diagnosis. But how do you live with the knowledge of this potential risk of illness? What risk of discrimination are we running based on our genetic heritage?

The conference is open to all and admission is free, however we recommended registering to attend at:

Conferences in the « Santé en questions » cycle are organised in partnership with:

Bibliothèque de l’Alcazar, Bibliothèques Municipales de Marseille, Casden, Cerveau & Psycho, Indésciences, La Recherche, Paris City Hall, Bachut Mediacentre, Musée des Confluences, Pavillon des Sciences de Montbéliard, Pour la science, Pourquoi docteur, Sciences et Avenir, City of Lyon

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Researcher Contact
Jean-François NICOLASDermatologue, responsable de l’équipe Inserm "Immunologie de l’allergie cutanée et vaccination" au Centre international de recherche en infectiologie de Lyon+33 (0)4 37 28 23
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