In metropolitan France last week, the incidence rate for cases of acute diarrhoea seen in general practice was estimated at 253 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, i.e. 160,000 new cases, higher than the previous week, and just below the epidemic threshold (269 cases per 100,000 inhabitants).
At regional level, the highest rates of incidence were found in Limousin, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur and Ile-de-France.
The Réseau Sentinelles (Sentinel Network): a collaboration between general practitioners and researchers
Since 1984, the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) and Pierre and Marie Curie University (University of Paris 6) have developed an information system based on a network of general practitioners in metropolitan France known as the Réseau Sentinelles (Sentinel Network). It has enabled the creation of large databases for several diseases, with descriptions of individual cases seen in general practice, for health surveillance and research purposes.
The Réseau Sentinelles is a network of 1,300 private general practitioners (i.e. 2.2% of all private GPs in metropolitan France), distributed throughout the French metropolitan territory, who contribute on a voluntary basis. Member physicians are known as “Sentinel physicians.”
For further information, visit the Réseau Sentinelles website