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Directrice de recherche de l’unité Inserm 951 “Approches génétiques intégrées et nouvelles thérapies pour les maladies rares”
01 69 47 34 40
Hemophilia is a serious hereditary disease that prevents the blood from clotting. This means that, in the event of a wound, bleeding doesn’t stop or is extremely difficult to stop.
There are two types of hemophilia:
– Hemophilia A, the more common form, is linked to a deficiency in clotting factor VIII
– Hemophilia B, occurring more rarely, is linked to a deficiency in clotting factor IX
Two clinical studies recently published in The New England Journal of Medicine show that it is now possible to cure both hemophilia A and hemophilia B through gene therapy. A one-hour transfusion of a rescue gene that codes for the faulty clotting factor was enough to cure patients suffering from the disease. This is a breakthrough in treating the disease, and it is also one step further for gene therapy, which is being used more and more often in clinical trials.
Directrice de recherche de l’unité Inserm 951 “Approches génétiques intégrées et nouvelles thérapies pour les maladies rares”
01 69 47 34 40