An international team led by Toby Lawrence, Inserm researcher at Unit 1104 Center of Immunology Marseille-Luminy (Inserm / CNRS / Aix-Marseille Université), has developed a potential therapy to reduce tumor size, where previous drugs have failed. Its findings have been published in Journal of Experimental Medicine. Tumors develop from abnormal cells in the body that […]
It has been known for about ten years that some oestrogen/progestin menopausal hormone therapies (MHT) are associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. Studies have nonetheless suggested that this risk is rapidly attenuated or even eliminated in 2-5 years if the patients stop their treatment. However, questions remain regarding this attenuation, and its relationship […]
A French consortium of clinicians and biologists has proposed a molecular classification of colon cancers into six sub-types. A national multicentric consortium of clinicians, biologists and researchers performed a genomic study as part of the CIT programme (Cartes d’Identité des Tumeurs® [Tumour Identity Cards]) of the Ligue contre le Cancer. The study included tumours from […]
The team headed by Claude Férec, director of INSERM 1078 “Genetics, functional genomics and biotechnologies” (INSERM/Université de Bretagne/EFS) in Brest, published results in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology from a cohort of 700 patients suffering from Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD). This condition, the most frequent monogenetic hereditary kidney disease, manifests through […]
© AdobeStock An international study coordinated by Professor Tracey Woodruff of the University of San Francisco reveals that mothers exposed to atmospheric pollution due to particles in suspension in the air (vehicle emissions, city central heating systems and coal-burning power stations) presented with a higher risk of bearing babies with a low birth weight. This […]
Regulatory T cells (Treg) are a sub-population of immune cells that prevent each individual from triggering immune reactions against his/her own organs. In the context of some illnesses, these mechanisms may be defective: in this case, the term “auto-immune reactions” is applied. In this new research, published in the Science review, the team of researchers […]
Excess body weight (overweight and obesity) currently concerns nearly one in two French adults. It is associated with an increased risk of several primary cancers, including postmenopausal breast cancer. Researchers at an Inra-Inserm-Cnam-Université Paris 13 joint research unit, part of NACRe(1), worked with a team from Imperial College London to carry out the first systematic […]
Retinoblastoma is the most common eye tumor in children, with an occurrence rate of one for every 15 to 20,000 births. Even today, little is known about the risk factors for this cancer. Recent studies have suggested an increased risk of retinoblastoma in children conceived using in vitro fertilization (IVF), but these results were contradicted […]