The Inserm press room is updating its design, and continues to adapt to your needs and evolving practices. Now more ergonomic, its navigation has been reworked to make reading easier on mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones. Presentation of content has been revised to make it easier to read, and to quickly find the […]
Ebola fever is an extremely lethal disease, for which there is no proven effective treatment. In September 2014, at the height of the epidemic, the World Health Organisation released a shortlist of drugs suitable for studies on Ebola virus (EBOV) disease, including favipiravir, an antiviral drug developed for the treatment of severe forms of […]
A wide range of compounds is on the market to ameliorate depressive symptoms, however their efficiency is achieved only after long periods of treatment and not in 100% of patients. Inserm researchers identified early cellular changes in the brain for the emergence of depressive symptoms, and a novel promising drug target. These results are published […]
Depression is a real public health issue with 8% of adolescents affected by it, according to the French National Authority for Health (HAS). Adolescence is a time of transition during which young people are prone to episodes of depression. This often complicates the diagnosis of this disease. According to some studies, adolescents with severe depression […]
A new study published in the journal Blood shows that red blood cells can turn against blood vessels by releasing aggressive fragments that contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases. There are approximately 5 million red blood cells in every microlitre of blood. Their stock is constantly renewed, and each one is discreetly removed every […]
Following a programme of physical exercise based on balance and building muscle strength reduces the risk of injury from falls by nearly 20% in women aged over 75 years. This study, conducted by Patricia Dargent, has just been published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ). Falls are very common in older people, with approximately one […]
In a new study published in the journal Plos One, researchers from Inserm have analysed the causes of 79,107 deaths of Paris inhabitants aged over 35 years between 2004 and 2009. Their objective was to explore whether or not a combination of neighbourhood characteristics (socioeconomic profile and daily exposure to pollution) modified the risk of […]
A team coordinated by Antoine Triller, Inserm Research Director, Director of the Institute of Biology at the École Normale Supérieure, and Ronald Melki, CNRS Research Director (Paris-Saclay Institute of Neuroscience), has just identified the target of an alpha-synuclein protein, which is pathogenic in Parkinson’s disease. This target is an ATP-dependent sodium/potassium pump. It may potentially […]
Such is the brain’s complexity that it is a particularly difficult organ to examine despite technological progress in this area. While electroencephalograms (EEG) and optical techniques can be used to record neurone activity in mobile animals, it is only possible to examine certain areas of the brain due to the size of the electrodes and […]
Birthmarks, café au lait spots—although usually harmless (over 10% of the population has one or two), the presence of more than 5 of them in a child can conceal a hereditary disease, neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). This is one of the most common genetic diseases (affecting 1 in 3,000 individuals). Until now, the molecular mechanisms associated […]