In celebration of its 60th anniversary, Inserm is emphasizing its scientific collaboration with the United States and Canada. This privileged and fruitful relationship with North America will be highlighted during a day of scientific and institutional exchanges on October 29, 2024, at the French Embassy in Washington, DC. The event will be attended by Professor Didier Samuel, President and CEO of Inserm, along with representatives from numerous partner institutions....
Throughout 2023, and as Inserm prepares to celebrate its 60th anniversary next year, its staff has continued to promote the health of all citizens thanks to major advances across all areas of biomedical research. The work of the five scientists selected to receive this year’s prizes reflects the rich and innovative nature of Inserm research. The Inserm Grand Prize is awarded to Nadine Cerf-Bensussan, a pioneer in the exploration...
One year after its large-scale poster campaign in France’s railway stations and Paris subway, Inserm uses its slogan On gagne tous les jours à s’intéresser à la santé [We always benefit from focusing on health] in a 30-second TV commercial broadcast from June 7 to July 30.
June 1 to 15, 2023 will mark the third edition of InScience – a festival held by Inserm for visitors to discover and discuss questions of health and medical research.
Appointed today in the Council of Ministers following the proposal of the Minister of Higher Education and Research and the Minister of Health and Prevention, Professor Didier Samuel becomes Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Inserm.
This year, the Inserm Prizes are awarded to five individuals whose results and commitment to high-quality research demonstrate scientific excellence and the Institute's central place in society. The Inserm 2022 Grand Prize goes to Olivier Delattre, an oncopediatrician whose work has led to major discoveries in childhood cancers.
Pour faire face à la pandémie de Covid-19, mieux comprendre le virus et accompagner la prise en charge des maladies, les scientifiques de l'Inserm sont plus que jamais mobilisés.