The position of cellular nuclei in muscle fibres has an important role in some muscle weaknesses.
Infantile anorexia with vomiting is a symptom observed in certain remote regions on Réunion, surrounded by ravines. It is from this geographical feature that the related neurological disease gets its name.
A discovery presented by Catherine Seva, biologist at Inserm
With a view to strengthening dialogue into “science and society", Inserm has launched “Health in questions”, a series of public conferences.
A joint Institut Curie/Inserm team headed by Dr. Olivier Delattre has discovered the existence of a new form of bone sarcoma, affecting mainly adolescents and young adults.
A deterioration of working memory is observed in people who consume drugs containing cannabinoid compounds found in cannabis leaves and buds. A team led by Giovanni Marsicano, Supervisor of Inserm Research Unit 862 (Magendie Neurocentre, University of Bordeaux), in collaboration with a team led by Xia Zhang (University of Ottawa, Canada), has recently identified the […]
French-Italian team headed by researchers from CNRS and Inserm (1) has recently discovered a new family of compounds that could make it possible to treat numerous cancers, particularly brain tumours and skin cancers.
We remember, right down to the tiniest detail, a car accident that happened over two years ago, when we feared for our lives; and yet, who among us can still remember a very good meal enjoyed just last year, even if it was really very, very good?
A research team has identified the part of the brain driving motivation during actions that combine physical and mental effort
Research scientists from Inserm, CNRS, UPMC and AP-HP working for the Centre de Recherche de l’Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle (CRICM) of la Pitié-Salpêtrière, have just discovered mutations