Announced at the end of 2014 during the final phase of research and development, the rapid diagnostic test for Ebola virus disease developed by the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), with support from the Inserm Jean Mérieux P4 high-level biological containment laboratory (Lyon), has been assessed in the field, including in Guinea, over a period of several months.
The efforts of the international community for the past ten years in the fight against malaria have reduced the number of disease-related deaths. The emerging resistance to standard therapies threatening South-East Asia, and new research carried out by the team led by Françoise Benoit-Vical, are not reassuring factors.
Researchers have recently shown how microbiota protects against the development of type 1 diabetes.
A large-scale collaborative study revealed the acquisition of multi-resistant enterobacteria (MRE) in one in two travellers returning from a stay in a country situated in a tropical region.
Scientists at the Institut Pasteur and Inserm have successfully increased the infiltration of immune cells into tumors, thus inducing the immune system to block tumor growth.
Researchers at INRA, INSERM, AP-HP, and UPMC have just discovered a new protein with anti-inflammatory properties, which has been named MAM (microbial anti-inflammatory molecule)
By increasing the stiffness of erythrocytes infected by the causal agent of malaria, Viagra favors their elimination from the blood circulation and may therefore reduce transmission of the parasite from humans to mosquitoes. This astonishing discovery, made by scientists from the CNRS, INSERM, Université Paris Descartes – at the Institut Cochin – and the Institut Pasteur, working in collaboration with a team from the London School of Hygiene and...
The INRA team, in collaboration with an American team (Berkeley), AgroParisTech, lnserm, AP-HP and UPMC, are answering these questions. Not only do their results show that F. prausnitzii plays an active role in protecting against intestinal inflammation, they also propose explanations regarding mechanisms of action.
Researchers demonstrated the efficacy of gene therapy treatment for Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome (WAS). Six children that were treated and followed for at least 9 months had their immune system restored and clinical condition improved.
By analysing the genome of a little girl who contracted a severe form of influenza at the age of two and a half years, researchers have discovered that she has a genetic mutation, unknown until now, that causes a subtle dysfunction in her immune system.