Researchers from Inserm and University of Bordeaux have just discovered that the cannabinoid receptors of the brain control these memories that are crucial for survival.
A team of French researchers has developed “an autobiographical memory”[1] for the robot Nao, which enables it to pass on knowledge learnt from humans to other, less knowledgable humans.
Scientists have just identified in the mouse, and then confirmed in humans, a new factor that regulates addiction. Glutamate, a neurotransmitter[1], contributes to regulating dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens, one of the cerebral structures of the reward system.
Researchers from the Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit at NeuroSpin have just identified a network of areas of the brain that are organised in a way that could at least partially explain the specificity of the cognitive functions in the human species.
Our world turns out to be more or less predictable, and our brain has to adapt to this uncertainty to make the best possible choices in any situation. This is the subject that attracted Fabien Vinckier and Raphaël Gaillard, researchers at St Anne’s Hospital, Inserm and Paris Descartes University, in collaboration with Mathias Pessiglione, an Inserm researcher at the Brain and Spinal Cord Institute at Pitié–Salpêtrière Hospital, AP-HP, and...
Researchers at Insermhave combined three clinical, neurophysiological and genetic approaches in order to better understand the brain mechanisms that cause autism
A team of Inserm researchers at the Vision Institute, have demonstrated in an animal model that blocking another protein, Slit2, prevents the pathological blood vessel development that causes these diseases.
it is essential to act at exactly the right time and place in the brain. For this reason, the team of researchers led by Christophe Bernard at Inserm Unit 1106, “Institute of Systems Neuroscience” (INS) have developed an organic electronic micropump which, when combined with an anticonvulsant drug, enables localised inhibition of epileptic seizure in brain tissue in vitro.
Researchers from Inserm, CNRS and Paris Descartes University have just demonstrated the beneficial effect of lithium chloride on a group of genetic disorders responsible for muscle dysfunction known as congenital myasthenias.
A team led by Afsaneh Gaillard (Inserm Unit 1084, Experimental and Clinical Neurosciences Laboratory, University of Poitiers) has just taken an important step in the area of cell therapy.