In 2013, a medical team proposed to the Haitian government and to Unicef a coordinated strategy to fight against cholera, aimed at breaking the chains of transmission. This strategy and its results, which show the apparent cessation of cholera transmission in Haiti since 2019, have just been the subject of a publication in the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases.
Teams of researchers published on October 4, 2021 in the journal Molecular Psychiatry (Nature Publishing Group) a summary of the results of the international literature on the central role that “ ceramides ”, a class of lipids, may play a role in SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Teams of researchers measured the antibody and cellular responses generated by a messenger RNA vaccine in patients with systemic lupus (LS). This work shows that vaccination is both well tolerated and effective, even against worrying variants. The factors associated with a poor vaccine response in some of these patients have been identified in order to better anticipate who should benefit from reinforced protective measures and / or adapted...
Afin de faciliter l’accès aux appels à projets et aux financements associés de la recherche, l’ADEME, l’ANR, l’Inserm dont l’ANRS | Maladies infectieuses émergentes, l’Anses et l’INCa regroupent l’ensemble de leurs appels à projets scientifiques sur un portail unique :
The team of the adult nephrology-renal transplantation department of the Necker-Enfants Malades AP-HP hospital, Inserm and the University of Paris has carried out work, coordinated by Prof. Guillaume Canaud, which opens up new perspectives. therapies for patients with lymphatic abnormalities linked to a mutation in the PIK3CA gene.
How can lost neurons be regenerated? Using an animal model of epilepsy, the researchers have succeeded in transforming non-neuronal cells in the brain into new inhibitory neurons that reduce chronic epileptic activity by half. This research will in time make it possible to envisage a therapeutic application of this strategy.
As the effects of the COVID-19 crisis continue to make themselves felt, how do we answer the many health questions raised by citizens and make space for scientific information that is useful in everyday life? More motivated than ever to provide robust scientific information to all, Inserm has joined forces with publisher Le Cherche-Midi to deconstruct fake news and preconceived ideas regarding our health.
Since the pandemic began, many studies have tried to explain what differentiates the immune response of people with severe forms of COVID-19 resulting in death from that of other patients. In a new study, researchers from Inserm and Sorbonne Université at the Center for Immunology and Infectious Diseases, in collaboration with physician researchers from Paris hospitals group AP-HP, focused on a type of immune response known as the cellular...
The Discovery clinical trial was initially launched in France by Inserm in March 2020, to evaluate several possible treatments for COVID-19. Its European expansion was made possible by the EU-RESPONSE project, funded by the European Commission. Interim analysis of the trial data had led to the recommendation to suspend the recruitment of remdesivir group patients for futility – that is to say due to the very low likelihood of...
La pandémie de Covid-19 a très fortement fragilisé la lutte globale contre le cancer. Les confinements successifs ont limité l’accès au soin et ont conduit à une réduction significative du dépistage, du diagnostic et de l'orientation vers les hôpitaux des patients atteints de cancer.