When a household experiences financial difficulties, the portion of the budget allocated to food is often restricted. In some cases, these difficulties may lead to food insecurity, i.e. limited and irregular access to a healthy and balanced diet. Based on a case study of 2,120 children, a team of Inserm researchers coordinated by Maria Mechior (Inserm Unit 1017 “Research Centre into epidemiology and population health”) has shown that children...
Yehezkel Ben-Ari, Founder and Honorary Director of INMED (Institut de Neurobiologie de la Méditerranée), INSERM, and Eric Lemonnier, a clinician specialising in autism at the CHRU of Brest, recently published the results of a double-blind clinical trial to evaluate the usefulness of a diuretic in the treatment of autism
Researchers from Inserm, the French public hospital organization (AP-HP), the Institut Gustave Roussy and the Université Paris-Sud studied the age at menopause of a cohort of 706 women who had suffered from childhood cancer.
A partir du 15 novembre 2012, les internautes résidant en France auront pour la deuxième année consécutive la possibilité de participer à la surveillance de la grippe, en se connectant sur le site Internet www.grippenet.fr. La première saison de GrippeNet.fr a réuni près de 4 500 participants, et les premières analyses soulignent l’intérêt de poursuivre cette surveillance.
France’s Interministerial Mission to Combat Drugs and Drug Addiction (MILDT) asked Inserm to produce a collective expert opinion on the consumption of psychotropic medication and the misuse and drug dependency associated therewith so that a scientific light can be thrown on these phenomena, with the addition of useful recommendations for improving the regulations and current prevention and care arrangements in France.
"Effective Perinatal Intensive Care in Europe: translating knowledge into evidence-based practice", is the theme that will bring together the 12 institutions taking part in the EPICE project - Effective Perinatal Intensive Care in Europe
Benzodiazepines are prescribed to treat symptoms of anxiety and sleeping disorders. Collaborative research conducted by researchers from three Inserm units in Bordeaux has recently highlighted the link between benzodiazepine use and the development of dementia in the over 65s.
In an article published in the journal Environmental Research, researchers from Inserm (Inserm Unit 1085 - IRSET Institute for Research in Environmental and Occupational Health, in Rennes and Pointe à Pitre) in liaison with Canadian, Belgian and American researchers have investigated whether exposure to chlordecone (a pesticide used until 1993 on banana plantations in the Antilles) had an impact on the cognitive, visual and motor skills development of very...
The most recent studies on the connection between ischemic cardiovascular disease and job strain have been affected by many types of bias, such as the methodology used, the definition of stress and the number of cases studied. This has led to different risk values. To find out more, French researchers at Inserm and Université Versailles Saint Quentin joined a large European consortium called IPD-WORK Consortium, which brings together thirteen...
(French) Quelles sont les méthodes de contraception utilisées aujourd’hui en France ? Les pratiques ont-elles évolué depuis 10 ans ? Les chercheurs livrent ici les premiers résultats de l’enquête Fecond réalisée par l’Inserm et l’Ined.