Florent de Vathaire and his team have been studying the relation between doses of ionising radiation received to the pancreas during radiotherapy treatment for childhood cancer and the long-term risk of diabetes.
Road transport is one of the main vectors of animal epidemics. It is vital to understand how potentially infected animals are transported and exchanged within a country.
(French) Les résultats d’une étude menée par des chercheurs de l’Inserm (Unité Inserm 1018 « centre de recherche en épidémiologie et santé des populations ») et publiés dans l'International Journal of Cancer, montrent que le risque de cancer du sein est augmenté chez les femmes ayant travaillé de nuit.
Women are less prone to cardiovascular disease then men; but this difference between the sexes becomes less marked after the menopause.
The Healthy Life Years indicates how long people can expect to live without disability. It has been computed annually for each Member State of the European Union since 2005.
The London Olympic Games kick off on July 27th. With around 100 days to go, Inserm wishes to invite you to look into the research that has been done in the fields of sport and health. Various research programs over the last few years have shown the benefits of physical exercise on our health, in […]
What link is there between poor indoor air quality and the allergic and respiratory health of children in French schools?
With a view to strengthening dialogue into “science and society", Inserm has launched “Health in questions”, a series of public conferences.
Researchers from the Nutritional Epidemiology Joint Research Unit (Inserm-Inra-Cnam-Université Paris 13) have just published a study showing that, in men with a previous history of cardiovascular pathologies,
Researchers have endeavoured to ascertain the factors preventing helmet use and the approaches that could be used to promote it.