Teams of researchers studied the presence of self-reactive memory B lymphocytes before and after treatment with rituximab in adult patients with thrombocytopenia immunologic disease (ITP), a rare autoimmune disease. The results of this study show that a fraction of memory B lymphocytes self-reactive towards platelet antigenesist treatment with rituximab, persist in the spleen for several months and participates in relapses. The discovery of these cells could open up new...
Urinary tract infections affect over 50% of women, in some cases recurrently. E. coli bacteria are very often implicated in their development.
A commonly used treatment in some forms of breast cancer, tamoxifen acts on the cancer cells by blocking the estrogen receptor (ER)a and thereby inhibiting their proliferation. However, the action of this drug appears to be more complex than that, with the addition of protective effects on the arteries that could reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
An imbalanced diet has been linked to a disruption of the gut microbiota, which promotes metabolic diseases such as diabetes. Researchers have shown, in a large European cohort, that changes in the composition of the gut microbiota lead to increased blood levels of the molecule imidazole propionate. A molecule known to render the body's cells resistant to insulin, thereby increasing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential, necessarily supplied by the diet and indispensable to brain development. Scientists have focused in particular on the impact of the maternal diet during gestation and lactation on the brain development of their offspring. They have thus shown for the first time in mice how an insufficient intake of omega-3 in the mother can alter the development of neuronal networks in the offspring, causing memory...
Type 2 diabetes is a risk factor for the development of a severe form of Covid-19. Identifying the immune- and inflammatory markers associated with these severe forms of the disease in this patient population would enable earlier and more appropriate care.
A new therapeutic target for type 2 diabetes has recently been identified by researchers from Inserm and Université de Strasbourg, in collaboration with several European hospitals.
The AP-HP, the Federation of Diabetological Hospital Service and the AP-HP Connected Health Responsibility Centre offer this week to diabetic patients confined at home during the Covid-19 outbreak, a national programme of information, prevention and support for their health.
You just finished a good meal and are feeling full? Researchers from the CNRS, Inrae, University of Burgundy, Université de Paris, Inserm, and University of Luxembourg1 have just revealed the mechanisms in our brains that lead to this state. They involve a series of reactions triggered by a rise in blood glucose levels.
In animals, a vaccine modifying the composition and function of the gut microbiota provides protection against the onset of chronic inflammatory bowel diseases and certain metabolic disorders, such as diabetes and obesity.