Epidemics have no concept of borders! That is why, via Inserm, France is making a commitment to the health of European citizens by creating a European platform to intensify national responses to the challenges posed by vaccination. This European Joint Action on Vaccination (EU-JAV), coordinated by Inserm and backed by the French health ministry, was launched on September 4 with the participation of 19 other European countries.
Since July, a new outbreak of Ebola virus disease was identified in the Democratic Republic of the Congo – the second since May. In an attempt to halt the outbreak, a new vaccination campaign has begun in the affected region of North Kivu. It is against this background that researchers from the consortium PREVAC (Partnership for Research on Ebola VACcination) take stock of advances in Ebola vaccine research...
Inserm has long played a proactive role in scientific outreach in order to share science and biomedical research advances with the general public. And this summer 2018 will be no exception, with its host of events in which art and science will meet, in which our researchers will participate in La recherche de l’art #7 in Arles, Binôme in Avignon, and the Science in The City festival in Toulouse....
Mai 1968 a mis la société française en ébullition. La communauté scientifique ne fait pas exception à la règle, cette dernière s’est mise à protester et à réinventer le monde de la science : les universités ont été bloquées, les hôpitaux se sont mis en grève et dans les laboratoires de recherche les vieilles pratiques ont été dénoncées. Découvrez "Mai 68, la science s’affiche", une série de courts-métrages qui...
The respective classifications of the European Patent Office (EPO) and France's National Industrial Property Institute (INPI), which have just published their annual rankings for 2017, have confirmed Inserm's ability to innovate. Inserm placed first among patent applicants in the pharmaceutical sector for the second year in a row, yet again leading the rankings of European applicants in this sector, ahead of both industrial manufacturers and academic institutions. Furthermore, the...
Accelerate artificial intelligence research to benefit health: such is the shared objective underpinning the agreement signed by Inserm and the start-up Owkin, specialized in machine learning applied to biological and medical research. The tools developed by Owkin, combined with the mass of health data either produced or used by Inserm, will lead to the development of disruptive innovations unprecedented in the field of medical and clinical research.
To become the most advanced and competitive genomics research and healthcare system in the world: such was the ambition declared by Inserm, and its partners Aviesan and Genomics England Ltd, during the UK-France Summit on January 18, 2018. An agreement was signed by Sir John Chisholm, Executive Chairman of Genomics England Ltd, and Yves Levy, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Inserm, and Chairman of Aviesan, which heads up...
In the context of the extension of mandatory vaccination that will go into effect in 2018, immunization is becoming a topic of public debate. People are often ill-informed, basing their opinions on the catastrophist arguments of anti-vaccine lobbies and the lack of relevant training on the part of medical professionals. France has become one of the countries where defiance against vaccination is at its strongest worldwide. The controversy is...
She replaces Thierry Damerval, who has been appointed Chairman and CEO of the French National Research Agency (ANR).
Thierry Damerval was appointed President and CEO of the French National Research Agency (ANR) by presidential decree on December 8, 2017, having been proposed for the role by the Minister for Higher Education, Research and Innovation.