Teams of AP-HP, Inserm and Université Paris Sud, studied as part of an international research group, depressions called "subsyndromal" among young teenagers as they have a high risk to progress to depression in adolescence and later in adulthood.
Epidemics have no concept of borders! That is why, via Inserm, France is making a commitment to the health of European citizens by creating a European platform to intensify national responses to the challenges posed by vaccination. This European Joint Action on Vaccination (EU-JAV), coordinated by Inserm and backed by the French health ministry, was launched on September 4 with the participation of 19 other European countries.
Imagine that you are eating a Granny apple under a red parasol on the terrace of a public garden. The next day you eat another Granny apple at home in your kitchen, but soon afterwards find yourself ill. The next time you go back to the public garden, you avoid sitting under that red parasol. While there may not seem to be a link between the parasol and the...
Des chercheurs de l’Inserm et de l’Université Grenoble Alpes ont révélé un nouveau réseau cérébral qui relie la douleur ressentie dans la maladie de Parkinson à une région spécifique du cerveau. Ces travaux, paru dans la revue eLife, révèlent qu’un sous-ensemble de neurones situé dans une partie du cerveau appelée noyau sous-thalamique serait une cible potentielle pour soulager la douleur dans la maladie de Parkinson, ainsi que dans d’autres...
The digestive oncology teams from European Georges Pompidou Hospital, Cochin and Ambroise Paré AP-HP, and laboratory "Information Sciences and personalized medicine" of 1138 Unit Research Center Cordeliers INSERM and Paris-Descartes University, have developed an artificial intelligence system that predict therapeutic response to preoperative chemoradiotherapy in patients monitored for rectal cancer. The work, coordinated by Dr. Jean-Emmanuel Bibault of oncology radiotherapy European Hospital Georges Pompidou AP-HP, would propose a conservative treatment...
Inserm researchers at I-Stem – the Institute for Stem Cell Therapy and Exploration of Monogenic Diseases – report encouraging results with metformin, a known diabetes drug, for the symptomatic treatment of Steinert myotonic dystrophy. A phase II trial conducted in 40 patients at Henri-Mondor Hospital AP-HP has shown that, after 48 weeks of treatment at the highest dose, patients treated with metformin (versus placebo) gain in motor skills and recover...
A study published in The Lancet Oncology establishes for the first time that artificial intelligence can process medical images to extract biological and clinical information. By designing an algorithm and developing it to analyse CT scan images, medical researchers at Gustave Roussy, CentraleSupélec, Inserm, Paris-Sud University and TheraPanacea (spin-off from CentraleSupélec specialising in artificial intelligence in oncology-radiotherapy and precision medicine) have created a so-called radiomic signature. This signature defines...
In recent years, the cognitive neurosciences have shown that it is possible to use conscious effort to alter memories. Researchers from the Inserm Center for Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Sainte Anne Hospital and Université Paris Descartes now show that it is possible to unconsciously alter memories. This experimental demonstration of the unconscious manipulation of memories, which is similar to the psychoanalytical concept of repression, has been published in the journal...
How can we limit age-related decrease in muscle capacity (sarcopenia), which is a major cause of loss of autonomy in the elderly? Researchers from Inserm, Université Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier and the Gérontopôle of Toulouse University Hospital might have found, within the muscles themselves, a formidable ally in fighting this disease: apelin. This hormone, whose production decreases with age, is secreted during physical activity and improves muscle capacity....
Researchers from Inserm at the Bordeaux Population Health Research Center, the Paris Cardiovascular Research Center, the University of Bordeaux and the Three-City Cohort have demonstrated that combining several factors and behaviors beneficial for the heart and maintaining them at optimal levels is associated with a reduced risk of developing dementia and cognitive decline after the age of 65. The researchers used the concept of optimal cardiovascular health as defined...