Prévus par la loi de bioéthique de 2011 et en amont de sa révision en 2018, les Etats généraux de la bioéthique se tiendront du 18 janvier au 7 juillet 2018. Ils ouvrent, à l’échelle nationale, un débat public organisé par le CCNE (Comité national d’éthique pour les sciences de la vie et de la santé).
How do bacteria manage to infect our body? What tactics do they use to slip through the cracks in our immune system? This is what the team of Thomas Henry, Inserm researcher, and his coworkers from the CNRS of Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University and the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon grouped within the International Center for Infectiology Research (CIRI) are trying to elucidate. In a paper published...
To become the most advanced and competitive genomics research and healthcare system in the world: such was the ambition declared by Inserm, and its partners Aviesan and Genomics England Ltd, during the UK-France Summit on January 18, 2018. An agreement was signed by Sir John Chisholm, Executive Chairman of Genomics England Ltd, and Yves Levy, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Inserm, and Chairman of Aviesan, which heads up...
The dengue virus – like all other viruses – hijacks many of the host cell's functions to accomplish its infectious cycle. For the very first time, researchers from Inserm, CNRS and Université Paris Diderot have recently identified all of the cellular factors that interact with the virus as it replicates. By providing proof of concept that some of these molecules can be inhibited, these scientists are paving the way...
What if the symptoms and seriousness of certain inflammatory diseases were linked to time of day? Researchers from Inserm, Institut Pasteur de Lille and Université de Lille[1] have been working on this hypothesis, after noting that the seriousness and mortality associated with fulminant hepatitis were dependent on the time at which the disease was induced. Their study, conducted on human cells and mice, shows that the anti-inflammatory action of...
A recent study conducted by Inserm researchers within Irset[1] has shown that sustained ibuprofen use in young male athletes induces a hormonal imbalance known as "compensated hypogonadism", usually observed in elderly males. This situation arises due to the negative effects of ibuprofen on testosterone production, and on the production of two other testicular hormones. These results have been published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
An international study led by scientists from Inserm and Paris Diderot University (France), the University of Chicago (USA), the National Heart and Lung Institute (UK) and the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus (USA) together with researchers of the Trans-National Asthma Genetics Consortium (TAGC) has discovered five new regions of the genome that increase the risk of asthma. This study is published online in Nature Genetics on 22 December...
Reluctance, or indeed mistrust, towards immunization, is an understandable sentiment, particularly among young parents when their babies are about to be immunized. While this principle may currently seem less vital, or even optional, to parents who no longer face the same tragedies arising from infection as in the past, it nonetheless remains an essential public health measure.
A joint study conducted by Inserm researchers from IBENS (Institute of Biology of the Ecole Normale Supérieure – Inserm/CNRS/ENS Paris) in Paris and researchers from SIgN (Singapore Immunology Network, A*STAR) in Singapore has revealed a hitherto undiscovered role played by the microbiota on immune cells in the brain, occurring from the fetal stage. These cells, known as microglia, play a key role in brain development and function, and are...
A team of scientists led by Christelle Monville (professor at University of Evry) at I-Stem, the laboratory created by AFM-Téléthon, University of Evry and Inserm, in partnership with the team led by Olivier Goureau, Inserm Research Director within the Institute of Vision, has managed to improve vision in rats with retinitis pigmentosa, by transplanting a cell bandage obtained from human embryonic stem cells. The results published today in Science...