Hemophilia is a serious hereditary disease that prevents the blood from clotting. This means that, in the event of a wound, bleeding doesn’t stop or is extremely difficult to stop.
Vincent Sauzeau, Inserm researcher and his team located at the Nantes Thorax Institute[1] (Inserm, CNRS, University of Nantes, Nantes University Hospital) have recently discovered the major role played by the Rac1 protein in the development of bronchial hyperresponsiveness associated with allergic asthma. Researchers will use this new therapeutic target to reduce bronchoconstriction and pulmonary inflammation in patients. This article has been published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical...
In the context of the extension of mandatory vaccination that will go into effect in 2018, immunization is becoming a topic of public debate. People are often ill-informed, basing their opinions on the catastrophist arguments of anti-vaccine lobbies and the lack of relevant training on the part of medical professionals. France has become one of the countries where defiance against vaccination is at its strongest worldwide. The controversy is...
The Sentinel network, a collaborative surveillance system developed by Inserm and Pierre and Marie Curie University (UPMC), is made up of 1,300 primary care practitioners, and approximately one hundred independent pediatricians, spread over mainland France. The network is coordinated by the "Transmissible Diseases Surveillance and Modeling" team at the Inserm and UPMC Pierre Louis Epidemiology and Public Health Institute (iPLESP), in collaboration with the French National Public Health Agency...
A study sponsored by the AP-HP has shown for the first time that asymptomatic individuals who carry the c9orf72 mutation, which means they are at risk of developing frontotemporal degeneration (FTD) or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), experience cognitive, anatomical, and structural changes very early on, before age 40.The ability to identify these markers before disease symptoms appear is a major discovery, as such markers are crucial in developing therapeutic...
Since the COP 22, health has been a central topic of discussion. It is within this context, and on the day before the One planet Summit to be held tomorrow in Paris, that 10 principles for protecting respiratory health from climate change were proposed by an ad hoc workgroup from the Environment and Health Committee of the European Respiratory Society. Those principles have just been published in European Respiratory...
A team of researchers from ZIKAlliance discovers a specific mechanism of the infection
She replaces Thierry Damerval, who has been appointed Chairman and CEO of the French National Research Agency (ANR).
Thierry Damerval was appointed President and CEO of the French National Research Agency (ANR) by presidential decree on December 8, 2017, having been proposed for the role by the Minister for Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
Combining multiple vaccine administration routes achieves a better immune response. This is the finding of a recent study conducted as part of the European CUT’HIVAC project, coordinated by Béhazine Combadière, Inserm Research Director at the Center for Immunology and Infectious Diseases (CIMI-Paris, Inserm/Université Pierre et Marie Curie/ CNRS). This research opens new perspectives for "personalized" vaccination in which the immune system's response to infection can be adapted. This research,...