In a study published in March 2020 in the journal EClinical Medicine, Prof. Gérard Lina’s team suggests simple measures to put in place for better tampon use during menstruation.
Developing an effective and safe vaccine is one of the priority objectives in the fight to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. At Inserm, a dozen teams are involved in vaccine research projects. In particular, three initiatives have recently been selected by France’s Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation on the advice of the COVID-19 Analysis, Research and Expertise Committee (CARE) and Inserm's REACTing consortium, in order to receive...
Des investigateurs français de l’Institut médico-légal de Paris, de l'Inserm, du service de radiologie de l’hôpital Sainte-Anne/GHU Paris, du département d’anesthésie-réanimation des hôpitaux de l’AP-HP Saint-Louis et Lariboisière, d’Université de Paris, et du CNRS ont fait l’hypothèse que les arrêts cardiaques en dehors de l'hôpital pendant le pic de la pandémie de Covid-19 pourraient être en partie dus à des embolies pulmonaires massives. Le détail de ces travaux a...
Inflammations of the intestine affect many patients, often with reduced therapeutic prospects. The role of iron in these inflammatory processes is increasingly well documented, opening up new avenues of treatment. A collaborative study shows that the hormone that regulates iron levels in the body is produced by immune cells during inflammation of the intestine, and that it helps repair damage to the intestinal mucosa.
characteristics of children and adolescents hospitalized in a context of Kawasaki disease-like syndrome in a COVID-19 epidemic context, with a systemic hyper-inflammatory expression.
Indirect consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on the healthcare system and the management of other diseases are beginning to emerge.
Blood stem cells have a surprising ability. In addition to ensuring the continuous renewal of blood cells, they keep track of past infections so that faster and more effective immune responses can be triggered in the future.
Driven by Inserm and the Directorate for Research, Studies, Assessment and Statistics (DREES) of France’s Ministry of Solidarity and Health, in conjunction with their partners (National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies [INSEE], Public Health Agency, National Center for Scientific Research [CNRS], National Institute for Demographic Studies [INED], Université Paris-Saclay), EpiCOV is a large-scale epidemiological study based on a major statistical survey. It is proposing global and scientifically reliable...
Inserm has played a leading role in the French and international research spheres, rallying its many experts in subjects related to fundamental research, therapeutic research, and modelling. Participating also in France’s solidarity effort, the Institute has taken action to distribute tens of thousands of masks, gloves, gowns, shoe covers and reagents to medical teams working in the nation’s hospitals.
For a deeper insight into the social and epidemiological challenges posed by the exceptional prevention measures taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic – particularly confinement – a multidisciplinary group of researchers has joined forces with Inserm and the Public Health Agency to launch a survey of around 200,000 participants from five major French cohorts.