Researchers from Inserm, Université Paris-Saclay and Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ) with the Gustave Roussy Institute studied the impact of physical activity on the development of PD in nearly 100,000 women from the French cohort E3N followed up over 29 years.
The severity of skin allergies can vary depending on many environmental factors, including diet.
The health outcomes of the nuclear tests performed in French Polynesia in the 1970s have been the subject of epidemiological studies at Inserm for several years. In a new publication, the scientists confirm these findings and conduct a risk prediction analysis showing that these nuclear tests could be responsible for 2.3% of the thyroid cancer cases.
In France, one third of emergency department (ED) visits are the result of trauma. In order to better understand the mechanisms and improve the management of trauma, researchers from Inserm and Université de Bordeaux at the Bordeaux Population Health Research Center, with teams from Bordeaux University Hospital, have developed an algorithm capable of classifying ED visits for trauma through the artificial intelligence (GPT) analysis of clinical reports.
Several months after infection with SARS-CoV-2, some patients still have symptoms: a phenomenon commonly referred to as "long COVID". Teams from Inserm and Université Paris Cité, in collaboration with the University of Minho in Braga (Portugal), have shown that this could be explained biologically by abnormalities of the immune system associated with the persistence of the virus in the mucous membranes.
For the first time, researchers from Institut Curie, the CNRS and Inserm have uncovered a previously unknown chain of biochemical reactions. This chain involves copper and leads to metabolic and epigenetic alterations that activate inflammation and tumorigenesis. But there is more; the research team developed a “drug prototype” capable of mitigating both the mechanisms of inflammation and the processes potentially involved in metastatic spread.
Air pollution is an acknowledged environmental factor in high blood pressure. It consists of a mixture of particles and gases whose combined effects on human health are not yet well known.
Chronic liver diseases are characterized by persistent inflammation that contributes to their progression to more severe stages. They may progress to fibrosis and cirrhosis, and then require liver transplantation.
Restaurer la vision grâce à une thérapie associant génétique et ultrasons ? Tel est l’objectif poursuivi par une équipe internationale dirigée par les directeurs de recherche Inserm Mickael Tanter et Serge Picaud, associant respectivement le laboratoire Physique pour la médecine (ESPCI Paris/PSL Université/Inserm/CNRS) et l’Institut de la vision (Sorbonne Université/Inserm/CNRS) à Paris en partenariat avec l’Institut d'ophtalmologie moléculaire et clinique de Bâle. Dans une nouvelle étude, ils ont apporté la...
Multiple sclerosis (MS), an autoimmune disease for which there is no cure as yet, affects three women for every one man. Faced with this observation, scientists are studying the role of the sex hormones in order to better understand the differences between men and women in relation to the disease and its progression.